Thursday, May 28, 2015

Beneficial Life Insurance Company

Beneficial Financial Group

Is an indemnification and financial accommodations company predicated in Salt Lake City, Utah. It is a subsidiary of Deseret Management Corporation, the for-profit arm of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). The company was founded in 1905 and as of its 2013 fiscal year end had assets of $3.0 billion. The indemnification side of the company was kenned for many years as the Propitious Life Indemnification Company.

Benign is certified by the Indemnification Rialto Standards Sodality for ethical business practices. It is a subsidiary of Deseret Management Corporation (DMC), a for-profit management company of assets for the LDS Church. Benign held an "A+" (stable) rating from Standard & Poor's for financial vigor, when S&P downgraded the rating to "A" due to exposure to MBS, and admonished of further possible devaluations unless DMC replenished some of Propitious's capital as it deteriorates "from its currently vigorous level."

On June 16, 2009, it was promulgated that Propitious would stop inditing incipient policies at the cessation of August. DMC reiterated its commitment to back subsisting policies, but verbalized that in the current environment, Salutary was too diminutive to compete with more immensely colossal insurers.

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