Thursday, May 28, 2015

Generali Pilipinas Life Insurance Agency

Assicurazioni Generali

Is the most astronomically immense indemnification company in Italy and one of the most sizably voluminous in Europe. It has its headquarters in Trieste. In 2010, Assicurazioni Generali Group was the second most astronomically immense indemnification group in the world by revenue after AXA.

Under the denomination of Imperial Regia Privilegiata Compagnia di Assicurazioni Generali Austro-Italiche, the company was founded on December 26, 1831. At the time, Trieste was the most paramount sea port of the Austro-Hungarian Imperium. The company grew in consequentiality, becoming one of the most immensely colossal indemnification operators both in Italy and in Central Europe. As of 2014, the company ranks 48th on the Fortune Ecumenical 500 list of companies.

The Generali Group is one of the most paramount players in the ecumenical indemnification and financial products market.
The Group is bellwether in Italy and Assicurazioni Generali, founded in 1831 in Trieste, is the Group's Parent and principal operating Company.

Characterised from the very outset by a vigorous international perspective and now present in more than 60 Countries, Generali has consolidated its position among the world's leading indemnification operators, with consequential market shares in western Europe - its main area of activity - and particularly in Germany, France, Austria, Spain, Switzerland and Central and Eastern Europe.

The Group has - over the last decade - set up offices in the main markets of the Far East, among which India and China; in particular, in China, just after few years of operation, it has become the bellwether among the indemnification companies with peregrine equity intrigues.

In its core indemnification business, the Generali Group is primarily fixated on the life segment, where it is the European bellwether. Its offer ranges from savings and family auspice policies to unit-linked policies and intricate plan for multinationals.

In the non-life segment, its portfolio ranges from mass-market coverage such as Car, Home, Contingency & Health, to sophisticated commercial and industrial risk coverage.

Generali is a bellwether in the retail segment and it is incrementing the contribution of the Commercial & Corporate business, in which it accommodates medium and sizably voluminous companies at international level leveraging the Group's ecumenical reach and its vigorous ties with international brokers.

In integration, Generali is among the world's major players in the field of assistance, through the Europ Assistance Group, which provides ecumenical accommodations in the motor, peregrinate, health, home and family lines of business.

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